A Comparison of the Recovery Profiles of Bupivacaine or Bupivacaine Mixed With Lidocaine Spinal Anesthesia and Local Infiltration Anesthesia for Outpatient Herniorrhaphy


Consecutive 93 patients undergoing inguinal herniorrhaphy will be recruited with a
prospective protocol.Spinal anesthesia will be commenced in Group BLS with 2 ml hyperbaric
bupivacaine (10 mg) + 0.6 ml 1 % lidocaine (6 mg), in Group BS, hyperbaric bupivacaine (10
mg) + saline in the same volume and Group LIA will have anesthesia with bupivacaine and
lidocaine for step by step local anesthetic infiltration. Sensorial block will be measured
with pinprick test, motor block will be tested with Bromage scale. Heart rate, blood pressure
and peripheral oxygen saturation will be measured every 5 minutes. Time of subarachnoid
injection, onset of sensorial block (block at L1 dermatome), time to block T10 dermatome,
maximum block level, time to maximum block and time to two segment regression, T10 regression
, LI regression and S1 regression of the block will be recorded in group BLS and BS.The onset
and resolution of the sensorial and motor block will be assessed by anesthetists blinded to
group allocation. PACU stay and discharge times and VAS pain scores will be recorded in all
patients. Patients also will be investigated for adverse events (hypotension, bradycardia,
nausea,PDPH, TNS, urinary retention)and satisfaction regarding the anesthetic method.




spinal anesthesia

Start Date:

March 2012


Diskapi Teaching and Research Hospital

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