Effect of Intrathecal Dexamethasone Versus Fentanyl on Post Spinal Shivering in Patients Undergoing Transurethral Prostatectomy


Shivering is an involuntary repetitive contractions of skeletal muscles that increases the
basal metabolism and is considered to be a defense mechanism for regulating body temperature
in adults .

Post spinal shivering may cause discomfort to the patient,and may aggravate wound pain by
stretching incisions and increases intracranial and intra ocular pressure.Shivering may
increase tissue oxygen demand as much as 500% and is accompanied by increase in minute
ventilation and cardiac output to maintain aerobic metabolism.

Tympanic temperature will be recorded preoperatively,after establishment of spinal
anesthesia,and every 15 minutes til the end of operation.Core temperature below 36.5 C is
considered as hypothermia Shivering intensity will be assessed with a five -point scale
validated by Crossly and Maharaj.

Adverse events like hypotension,bradycardia, respiratory depression,nausea and vomiting will
be recorded and treated.




Drug:dexamethasone in group Dexamethasone,fentanyl in group Fentanyl,normal saline 0.9%in group Control

Start Date:

December 2019


Zagazig University

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