Crush Injury
Motorcyclist Defies Odds & Regains Adventurous Lifestyle

Motorcyclist Defies Odds & Regains Adventurous Lifestyle

After a disabling motorcycle accident, Kent Emry defied the odds and regained his adventurous lifestyle with the help of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. “Every time I feel pain in my ankle — even if slight — it means I’m alive and for that I am grateful,” said Kent Emry,...

Clinical Trial – Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for the Treatment of Crush Injuries

The purpose of this study is to determine whether using hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) improves
wound healing for patients who have a crush injury. The comparison of the prospective
intervention group to the retrospective matched cohort aims to show that HBO can improve
wound healing and decrease poor outcomes for patients with crush injuries. The information
gained from this small study will serve as a basis for a follow-up prospective, randomized
control trial to further delineate the role of HBO in a larger patient population.

