Jessica Fioretti was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She underwent a double mastectomy and radiation, and was finally at the end of her breast reconstruction journey when her road to recovery went the wrong way.

“I began to wake up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat. But I’d just started medication and figured that was par for the course,” Jessica says.

Her night sweats, however, had nothing to do with her new medication. “One morning, I bent to get something out of the dryer and I felt a gush pouring down my shirt,” she says. Radiation had damaged her skin so badly that it couldn’t handle the implant. “A puss-like substance just started pouring out of me.”

Jessica grabbed a beach towel and rushed to the local emergency room. She was told her right implant needed to come out immediately. After another surgery and a week in the hospital later, she finally got to go home.

Unfortunately, Jessica’s incision to remove the implant was not healing properly. She was given wound vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) treatment to assist with the drainage, blood circulation, and closure of the wound.