23 February 2023
Arlington, VA

From: TreatNOW.org
Contact: Rob Beckman

The TreatNOW Coalition today announced its assessment of the current Concussion Protocols in use worldwide. None of the protocols mention Oxygen treatment to repair the underlying brain wound/trauma caused by the concussion. They only offer “resting” advice to parents of children with concussions, who often have debilitating symptoms.

Concussions are a brain wound, a form of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

A concussion is a wound/physical trauma to the soft tissue we call the brain. A concussion begins a negative “concussion cascade” that can lead to serious and sometimes fatal consequences. This brain wounding is accompanied by symptoms of confusion or disorientation, sometimes loss of consciousness, and memory loss. It is often described as having your “bell rung.” While it is true that these symptoms will diminish over time in many cases, there can be long-term physiological and other consequences when you do not treat the brain wound, including the risk of depression and suicide. The Veterans Administration has documented a consistent and “epidemic” suicide rate among Veterans as high as 22 per day.

What is this Concussion Cascade, and why haven’t I been told about it?

It has been very difficult to “see” the wound/damage to the brain on routine X-rays, including CT scans and MRIs. Medicine diagnoses concussions by identifying the symptoms. You are assumed to be “better” when those symptoms go away. Doctors typically say that 80-90% of concussions heal on their own. What about the 20% whose symptoms remain?

The Concussion Cascade can include these findings:

  • Inflammation
  • Reduced blood flow and oxygen delivery to brain cells
  • Reduced nutrients and enzymes necessary for wound healing/repair
  • Physical damage to brain matter at the microscopic level and not seen on X-rays, CT scans or MRIs
  • Oxygen starvation/hypoxia
  • Cell inactivation and death
  • Buildup of waste in the brain that can lead to chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) in some cases

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)?

HBOT involves breathing 100% oxygen in a pressurized chamber to increase oxygen levels in blood plasma/fluid. A century of clinical research has shown that increased oxygen in plasma accelerates our natural ability to heal through neurogenesis (creating new brain cells from stem cells), angiogenesis (creating new blood vessels in the brain), pain reduction, and reduced brain inflammation.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is used around the world to extend and improve quality of life by augmenting the treatment of all injuries, diseases, and infections, as well as to improve overall wellness. It is FDA approved and covered by insurance for healing diabetic wounds, diving injuries, severe anemias, burns, etc.

Researchers have recently been able to “see” what this brain wounding looks like. Physical damage leads to physical, emotional, behavioral, and functional atrophy that is directly tied to the wound: Source: The New Neurometabolic Cascade of Concussion. Christopher C. Giza, M.D. and David A. Hovda, Ph.D. Neurosurgery. 2014 October; 75(0 4): S24–S33.

Video Links

Joe Namath, NY Jets                   https://tinyurl.com/yxkwdb27
MSGT Scott Roessler                   https://youtu.be/N-CkR5shqEM
more on Joe Namath                  https://youtu.be/Z2q-yGUQA6w
GnySgt Rotenberry & wife          https://youtu.be/ay__tiUU6gE
Joe Delamielleure (Buffalo Bills)  https://youtu.be/bD22SrViGmc
MAJ Ben Richards                       https://youtu.be/5g8HgnBnKM0
Brian Fleury – Hockey Player       https://youtu.be/A_qdoxcQuI0
The Honorable Patt Maney (BG,USA)  https://youtu.be/FmGqRLSKzWg
NFL player Steve Bowman  (Giants)     https://youtu.be/6xrT3pP6_Kg
Marv Fleming (Packers, Redskins)        https://vimeo.com/57116161

Where can I go to get Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

There are good options all over the U.S. See: https://treatnow.org/treatments/treatment-centers/

Dr. Joe Maroon, MD, neurosurgeon and medical advisor to the Pittsburg Steelers has written: “Alternative nonpharmaceutical treatments appear to be gaining acceptance for the treatment of common neurodegenerative conditions, memory decline, and reduced cognitive function. Substantial animal and human research now suggest that these same natural dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals, and the use of hyperbaric oxygen may be a better first-line choice for the treatment of PCS, which has generally been under-reported by both athletes and the military.” Maroon and Bost, “Concussion Management at the NFL, College, High School, and Youth Sports Levels,” Clinical Neurosurgery, Chap. 7 Volume 58, 2011.

You do NOT have to sit idly by, hoping Concussion Symptoms will go away.
TreatNOW: Heal brains. Stop suicides. Restore Lives.

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The TreatNOW Coalition’s pro bono Mission is to end service member suicides. Service members suicides have once again increased, continuing a fifteen year trend. Coalition clinics have demonstrated 100% safety and over 90% success in treating over 21,000 service members, Special Operators, first responders, athletes, and citizens with TBI/PTSD/Concussion.

The information provided by TreatNOW.org does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational purposes only, and no claims, either real or implied, are being made. If you or anyone you know is contemplating suicide, please immediately contact the new ###: 988 or the old Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 (Press 1)