A young father with three small children has been fighting advanced Bowel Cancer for the past 4 years.  Now, Reece Payne is seeking treatment beyond chemotherapy and radiation, and he has Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on his radar.

Four years later he is finding that conventional treatments aren’t working.

Now 35, and with two young daughters, Olivia, three, and Amelia, one, with partner Carlie, a senior A&E nurse, Reece is pinning his hopes on another option.

He said: “l been fighting this battle as a family and while I count my lucky stars I’m still here for them, my options for a cure are running out.

“I can’t sit still and let this cancer destroy our family, I have to find other options for treatment and I need your help!

“Conventional chemotherapy and immunotherapy treatments are not working. I’m having to look hard for alternative treatment if I’m to find a cure.

“Fortunately, there is a treatment protocol to run alongside my chemotherapy. The treatment is known as off-label drugs and not backed by the NHS.

“It consists of research-proven doctor-prescribed drugs and will help attack my cancer from another angle, sometimes even sensitising cancer to conventional chemotherapies.

“I will also need hyperbaric oxygen therapy and some different high-dose infusions that have shown to have an amazing effect on stopping cancer cells dead.

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